We recognize the disparities in food access, particularly for those communities in Milwaukee of color and low income families.
This priority is focused on providing opportunities to the WFB and surrounding communities to make a tangible impact on hunger in the Milwaukee area through food drives and direct service opportunities. We will partner with other organizations as we continue to broaden our reach & focus on food equality & justice. This year we are looking to provide opportunities for more hands-on volunteering outside of WFB.
What is Food Security?
Food Security means that people have access, at all times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. In most instances, USDA considers households with high or marginal food security as food secure, and those with low or very low food security as food insecure. At a minimum, food security includes:
Access to readily available, nutritionally adequate, and safe foods
ability to acquire personally acceptable foods in a socially acceptable way
What you need to know...

Hunger and food insecurity is a public health crisis that creates a ripple effect and threatens the well being of our communities.
The pandemic & resulting economic crisis have exponentially increased hunger and food insecurity. Feeding America (which is the country’s largest hunger relief organization) has seen a 46% increase across the country since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak. The data is even more painful for households with children, whose rates of food insecurity have more than tripled since the onset of the pandemic.

Households with children are more likely to be food insecure than those without
And households with children headed by a single woman are nearly twice as likely as those headed by a single man to be food insecure. Black and Hispanic Americans are much more likely to be food insecure than White Americans.

In eastern WI, 1 in 7 people face hunger
Pre-COVID this number was much lower at 1 in 12 people facing hunger. In Southeast WI, Feeding America saw a 24% increase in their food distribution needs in 2020, which is consistent with other organizations.

Community farms and gardens are taking root in SE Wisconsin and are another way to provide fresh, nutrient packed food to low income families and those in need.
Examples include the MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary Community Garden, the Urban Ecology Center’s 94 plot community garden, and the Hunger Task Force Farm (208 acres located in Franklin). Fresh produce is often a rarity at many food banks. Places such as these are bringing much needed options to the table.
Get Involved
Help our team research organizations to partner with to help impact change in food equality.
Reach out to your local food pantries, soup kitchens, gardens, meal sites to volunteer.
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Want more info?
Drop us a line if you want more info on how to get involved or what we are doing to combat food insecurity in southeast Wisconsin.